Everything is energy. We humans are a connection between heaven and earth. The more open we are, the better our connection with the universe is and the easier our energy supply becomes. Effortless even.
And Do-In helps us to open ourselves!

During Do-In classes, which take place in small groups, we do exercises consisting of relaxed and gentle movements. Stretching the body by adopting certain poses opens the energy pathways. As a result, you will be more aware of the energy circulating in your body and be able to influence it: your body consciousness will increase. In addition, you will learn where the main energy points in your body are situated and how to massage them. Our breathing is an important aspect in all of the exercises.
Do-In exercises increase the body’s flexibility, thereby preventing stiffness, pain and other ailments. They improve your posture, digestion, concentration, and energy level, as well as keeping your meridians and your body as a whole in good shape, and bringing you balance and harmony. In other words: practising Do-In improves both your physical and mental condition.
Do-In exercises are also a very useful complement to Shiatsu treatments.
Monday 7:30PM – 9:00PM
Wednesday 9:00AM – 10:30AM
Online (via Zoom)
Randwycksingel 15 B, 6229 EG Maastricht.
Price: € 13 per session
Are you interested in taking part in the next series of Do-In classes? Please contact me and I will keep you informed!